Whole Life

High performance requires bold leadership, vigilant integrity and a culture of collaboration for constant improvement.

Whole life insurance is a permanent policy, which gives you guaranteed protection for your loved ones that lasts a lifetime. With whole life insurance, unlike term, you earn guaranteed cash value, which you can use however you want. Participating whole life insurance is eligible to earn dividends, which can increase the death benefit and the cash value. Or there are other options you could choose, such as using dividends to help pay premiums.

This does more than help provide financial security. It builds cash values over time:

  • Level, guaranteed and payable for life
  • Premiums can be paid monthly or annually
  • Tax-free death benefit. No matter how large your death benefit, it passes to your beneficiaries generally tax-free
  • Cash value and death benefit growth
  • As policy cash value grows, dividends may be used to pay premiums
  • Part of the Cash value may be withdrawn tax free for any purpose

To start saving money now on Whole Life Insurance, please email or call North Shore Life & Health Agency at the contact information below. If you would like someone to contact you directly, please fill out the form below and someone will get back to you at your preferred time. We are happy to help you with any and all questions. 

Older man with grandson on his lap talking about whole life insurance

Contact Us

in Touch

North Shore Life & Health Agency
82 Sunnyside Lane
Westbury, NY 11590 


